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Volunteers Kullamannen by UTMB 2024

Being part of the Kullamannen team of volunteers is an adventure in itself. You will work together with a great team of multi-skilled people doing all they can to make sure the runners get the best possible safety and treatment on their trail running journey.

This is what we offer our Volunteers:

  • An unforgettable experience in a breath-taking landscape
  • An attractive Staff/Crew functional shirt
  • Great offers from our partners
  • Refreshments during the event
  • Some examples of tasks during the races (detailed setup for 2024 is still working progress):


  • Setting up infrastructure in Höganäs
  • Setting up infrastructure in Mölle
  • Setting up infrastructure in Båstad
  • Setting up infrastructure in Ängelholm
  • Friday

  • Distribution of BIB-numbers Båstad
  • Equipment check-in Båstad
  • Man check-points along the race course
  • Food and water stations along the course
  • Infrastructure in Ängeholm
  • Refreshment aid station in Mölle
  • Info-center, expo and shop in Båstad
  • Start area in Höganäs
  • Saturday

  • Race-/Infocenter, shop and expo in Båstad
  • Check-points along the race course
  • Food and water stations along the course
  • Start/Finish area
  • Refreshment aid stations on course
  • Start area in Ängelholm
  • Refreshment aid station in Ängelholm
  • Sunday

  • “Plogga” clean up run at Kullaberg
  • Take down infrastructure in all locations
  • General clean-up and packing
  • Or contact Kullamannen by UTMB

    Please email or call +46 705 82 23 72

    The Kullamannen Team extends its warmest Thanks for the ongoing commitment of our fantastic Volunteers! You are incredible!